There are many ways to add people to group chat. Some of them include using the GroupMe app, SMS and iMessage. Others are internet based messaging services such as Google Chat and WhatsApp. In this article we’ll look at how to add people to group messages on your iPhone and iPad.
The first thing you need to do is open the Messages app. The app looks like two green chat bubbles. You can use your Apple ID to login or enter your mobile number. When you’re logged in, you should see the message “You’re now part of the group”. If you’re an Android user, you’ll see the message “You are now a member of the group.”

Photo by Chris Montgomery on Unsplash
Next, you need to open the Members section. This is the area where you can find your own name and profile photo, as well as other details about your group. For example, if you want to change your group name, tap the drop-down menu and choose a new one. Another option is to add or remove contacts.
It’s not uncommon to receive spam in your group chats, but it’s still possible to block such messages from your phone. A simple trick is to use a spam filter, and then you’ll only get messages that actually have a positive impact on your relationship with your group members. Also, if you receive a message that you don’t recognize, you may want to check out the iMessage help center for more information.
One of the better things about group texts is that you can include more than one person in a conversation. However, if you are not an iOS user, you’ll have to do some work to add people to group chats. But if you are an iOS user, you should be able to do this without too much trouble.

Photo by Gabriel Benois on Unsplash
One of the easiest ways to add people to a group text is to use the iMessage app. iMessage is the best way to send messages to multiple people at the same time. You can also use iMessage to send as a text if you are on a bad Internet connection. Messages that are sent as text are free. On the other hand, if you’re using a carrier, a group text can cost money. That’s why it’s important to know your options before you start a text message war.
Finally, you’ll need to add the most appropriate group text to your recipient’s device. For instance, if you’re sending your messages to iPhones, you’ll need to choose the iMessage icon. Alternatively, you can use the SMS icon if you’re sending messages to your Android devices. Lastly, you’ll need to select the right contact to send the message to.
Now that you’ve read about how to add people to group texts on your iPhone and iPad, you can get started. Don’t forget to sign up for an Apple ID so you can send and receive iMessages. Otherwise, you’ll only be able to send messages to other Apple users.