A Few Words about Two Famous Messengers
Messenger is an application for instantly sending multimedia files, stickers, emoticons, voice, text and video messages, as well as the first thing that comes to mind today when you hear the words “contact me”.
When work on Telegram began and, more importantly, by whom exactly, debates about this are still ongoing. In general, Telegram remains a fairly secretive company today, preferring to keep important information to itself. It became so popular, that people get second or third telegram number nowadays.
Apple “launched” the application into the catalog, but no one wanted to use it. It was absolutely unclear what to do. Glory to Steve Jobs: iOS has a tool that allows you to “ping” users (talking about notifications). And then a new version of WhatsApp was released, the “subscriber” counter surpassed a quarter of a million, and Acton helped get the investments the project needed so much and joined the team.

Photo by Mourizal Zativa on Unsplash
By the way, at the start the company was afraid of growing too quickly. It was for this reason that the program received a paid subscription – this allowed it to cover costs and not fall apart under load. At first, slowly, but with the so-called harmonious growth, everything went without advertising, “of course.” The world started talking about the now popular application.
You can easily buy virtual number for whatsapp now too.
What is changing in matters of communications security?
Requirements for the level of information security began to grow with the increase in the number of hacker attacks not only on large technology companies, but also on ordinary users. Everyone who uses mobile instant messengers immediately began to pay attention to personal data security and information protection. That is why a number of instant messengers have appeared on the market that use full or partial encryption of messages, files, photos or videos that you send to other people.